Tuesday 5 December 2006

6. A Travel Blog

I have been looking at a selection of good Blogs, that Blogspot call Blogs of Note. This Travel Blog of Antarctica has some spectacular pictures and has inspired me to post some of my holiday photos. I am planning to post pictures that I took in Labrador in October.

In October, I was invited to visit Labrador by Winston Churchill White. Winston was born in Nain, his father was English and his mother was Inuit. (Originally I posted a larger map but you can click on the map to enlarge it)

The total population of Labrador which is part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is 28000 and it comprises 32 small communities.
There are two road networks in Labrador. The Happy Valley- Goose Bay area can be reached from Quebec through Labrador City in the west. The south east coastal road can only be reached from Newfoundland and so I had to take the car ferry across the straits of Belle Isle, landing at Blanc Sablon, just inside the province of Quebec.

I drove from Blanc Sablon along the coastal road through Red Bay to St Mary's where I took a boat to Battle Harbour. For the first half of the journey I was on the "pavement", the Canadian name for the tarmac road. After that I was on the "graded" road, a surface that needed to be flattened almost daily by "graders", housed in hangars along the route. On the road I passed a dozen or so cars and a few vans and lorries.

Battle Harbour is on an island several miles off the coast and is the site of one of the mission hospitals built over 100 years ago by Wilfred Grenfell for the native Inuit and Innu. Today it is a museum and a holiday village. Here are a few of the photos that I took.

On the graded road from Red Bay to St Mary's Harbour. Labrador in the Fall
St Mary's Harbour, where you can hire a boat for Battle Harbour

Battle Harbour, the island of the Wilfred Grenfell Hospital. The Church
A settlement on an island near Battle Harbour


Anonymous said...

Hello Geoffrey,

You have certainly made good progress with your blog - it is pleasing visually and you actually have something to say, unlike some others I could name.

So why haven't you had many comments? One reason could be that the link to your blog from The Club's home page doesn't work - it ends in a rogue full stop, i.e. http://geoffreyboys.blogspot.com/.
instead of
- remove this full stop and all is well!

More work for someone in the Web Group ...

Keep up the good work,

Paul Anonymous

Silverwaver said...
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